pubg players will experience something new in 2020

pubg players will experience something new in 2020

pubg players will experience something new in 2020
pubg players will experience something new in 2020

May this New year 2020 will bring pubg mobile new update

The year 2019 has been very good for pubg players. In the past year, many features have been introduced that have doubled the players experience. Not only this, it became the most downloaded game in the year 2019. During this period, many impressive tournaments and new additions were seen. At the same time, many features are expected to be introduced this year i.e. in the year 2020, which will help to give users a better experience. Here we are giving you information about some such features that can be launched this year.

In Upcoming months you will come to see pubg mobile new update

Below mentioned you may experience in next pubg mobile new update

pubg drone : It is believed that the pubg drone feature can also be added to this game. These may be somewhat different from Call of Duty. In pubg, these pubg drone can be used for surveillance rather than killing enemies.

erangel 2.0 : All players are waiting for this feature which is erangel 2.0. This new map of erangel 2.0 has been told many times before and its teasers have also been seen many times. But till now erangel 2.0 has not been introduced in the app. This feature can be introduced in the year 2020.

colour blind mode in pubg : In 2019, global publishing general manager of Tencent Games, Vincent Wang said that in the year 2020, a new color blind mode will be added to the app. This will help in connecting more and more people to pubg.

90Hz /120Hz Mode : pubg currently works at 60fps. But soon it will also work with 90Hz and 120Hz refresh rate display. Actually, there are some bugs in the game due to which it is not easy to bump the frame. Soon the company can introduce high frame rate mode in mobile.

New Team deathmatch map: This new feature deathmatch map will be added to pubg soon. It can replace Spawn Island in the recently added winter stay tuned for deathmatch map.

pubg players will experience something new in 2020

Read our related article about >> PUBG update << 
pubg players will experience something new in 2020 pubg players will experience something new in 2020 Reviewed by SauTech on January 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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